Product Code: 1550
Availability: Out of Stock

Straight Stair Edge Trim Pre-Formed - 350mm Length

Out of Stock


Landing Trim (NTL) and Pre-formed Angles NSA290 are used to conceal the edge of the floor covering and stair edging in a neat and tidy Aluminium Finish. They come in angles of (83 or  90°) used for between the tread and riser of the step.


  1. Ensure the steps are dry, clean, free of debris, level and even. 
  2. If pre-drilled use the drill holes to mark steps for drilling location. 
  3. Drill and Plug the steps. 
  4. Apply suitable adhesive to the underside of the nosing and apply nosing to the step. 
  5. Screw down the step with the appropriate size screws.
  6. Apply insert (if separate) or insert pip to cover the screw head.