Product Code: 16123
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Segregated Shared Cycle Track Tactile Paving with Adhesive
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Segregated Shared Cycle Track Tactile Paving with Adhesive
- The purpose of the Segregated Shared Cycle Track Tactile is to be used in conjunction with a segregated shared cycle track/foot-way is to advise visually impaired people of the correct side to enter.
- Segregation of pedestrians and cyclists by providing for cyclists on the carriageway or the segregation of the foot-way and cycle track by a level difference should be the aim of highway authorities, particularly in new developments.
- This will not only assist visually impaired people but will also be helpful to other vulnerable pedestrians such as those with impaired hearing and those with walking difficulties.
- Surface Mounted Tactile Paving Tiles have no excavation or heavy lifting requirements and they are 5x more hard-wearing than traditional concrete alternatives.
- They can be applied quickly on-site with a design life of at-least ten years, when using our specialist tactile adhesive